New reports: one more step towards test intelligence
We’ve always been fascinated with extracting useful insights from the data - we’ve been reviewing a lot of our clients at Test Collab over last 9 months. Reviewing their problems, possible solutions and if we can positively impact the productivity given the data they have.
Each and every test case, its result of every execution ever, time spent and who assigned/executed a test - gave us a lot of data to work with.
There are potentially lot of useful insights that can be extracted with so much data. With this release we’ve attempted to scratch the surface - and there will be a lot more to come. For now, we believe you’re going to love these new reports.
You’ll find quite a few new charts on project overview page, milestone view page and new test case status report page (under Reports tab). It'll be unfair to not mention some of them here, given how useful they can be:
1. Test Case Last Run Statuses
Want to know overall health of your project? Just look at this chart and you'll have high-level understanding of how good your project is, testing-wise that is. This report shows you last state of all your test cases.
Pro-tip: As you add new features, your unexecuted test cases will go up. When working on new project, keep an eye on 'unexecuted' test cases and schedule execution on such cases every few days. Alternatively, drill down suite-wise to see statuses in further details.
2. Time spent on test cases
This is one of my personal favourite. Over time, there are some test cases that take a lot of your developer's / tester's time. This chart will help you locate such outliers and let you further analyse why. You can plot multiple time metrics for time spent on each cases: average time, overall, maximum, minimum etc.
Pro-tip #1: Use this chart to locate outliers test cases, then run 5-whys analysis as to what took them so long.
Pro-tip #2: Alternatively, you can use this data to decide which test cases should be automated before the rest.
3. Error prone Test Cases
This is a distribution chart made of failure rates of your test cases. Highly useful when you want to pinpoint the troublesome cases of your project. If you think testing all cases all-the-time is good strategy, this chart will be an eye-opener.
Sample use case: When developing new features, schedule testing of cases with overall high failure rates at relatively early stage. This will give your testers / developers more time to find cause of such failures resulting in less surprises on release date.
Pro-tip: We've observed cases with high failure rates are often a sign of either outdated test case documentation or some big underlying problem. Pay special attention to the cases above threshold failure rate.
4. Cases passed by suites
This heatmap chart shows you all the test suites of your project, color-coded as the percent of test cases passed. Green'ier the suite = Better passing % of test cases. The area of the block represents how many test cases there are in this suite relative to other suites. Larger area = Higher number of cases in the suite
Pro-tip: Sometimes a single module / set of features negatively impacts your project while other modules might be functioning as expected. This chart will help you locate such problem areas and act on them. Start paying attention to light green regions, find out what's lowering the score, is it development, testing or documentation?
5. Milestone burndown
This is useful when you're doing sprints or deadline-driven releases. Quickly see your tasks left as a burndown in timeline with ideal vs actual effort by your team. You'll also get instant feedback as a team of how your efforts are contributing towards the end goal and how fast.
Several other new reports which aren't mentioned here, but are released with this version: Test case assigned vs unassigned, defects reported over time, test run results over time and some new metrics.
As mentioned above, this is just beginning of large milestone - if you have some ideas for new reports / charts / widgets / metrics etc, please get in touch and let us know.