Test Collab 1.5 launched, introducing Test Case versioning, Active directory integration and custom fields for test cases
We are happy to announce the release of Test Collab v1.5. This version introduces Test Case versioning, Active directory integration and custom fields for test cases. Complete changelog of 1.5 is as follows:
#6007 Feature: Executor name should be shown on test case index of bi-integration panel
#5959 Bug: CSV Export has issues with special characters
#5943 Feature: Encrypt external passwords and api keys before storing in database
#5942 Feature: Test case versioning of custom fields
#5915 Bug: Autocomplete for suite dashboard and execution assign fails if regular expression special characters are present
#5900 Feature: Revision note field on test case edit form
#5840 Feature: Test case versioning
#4641 Feature: Execution start and end timestamps
#3366 Feature: View own execution permission
#3306 Feature: LDAP and Active directory integration for user authentication
#2958 Requirement: Custom fields for test cases
#2897 Requirement: How a role assigned to a user can be changed?
#2704 Bug: Order of test cases in Tracibility matrix
#3848 Feature: Xml import of test cases and suites
#4605 Bug: Editing project level test automation settings (parameters) aren’t reflected immediately on ‘test automate’ page
#5056 Bug: All tags cannot be removed from a test case
#4543 Bug: If there are no test suites and cases in a project then clicking Search or Reset buttons on suites manage redirect me to project’s dashboard
#4511 Bug: Checkbox are shown on all columns of tree
#3459 Bug: At the time of editing a test execution, related (though archived) milestone should be shown selected
#1944 Bug: user should not be able to delete a role which is already assigned to some users
#5774 Feature: Improve import processing screen
#5727 Feature: Suite Hierarchy structure on copy from other project
#5567 Feature: Unfuddle custom fields with select type and their option ids
#5021 Feature: Change all flash charts to JS
#4800 Feature: Test run templates
#4617 Feature: Implement new responsive select list on export page
#4353 Feature: Improve import from other project
#4316 Feature: Reusable steps after import (copy) should expand as separate steps
#4027 Feature: Option to copy test suite
#5250 Enhancement: ajax url should be independent of siteUrl in the config
#2957 Requirement: Export execution report
#4618 Enhancement: Suites dashboard state should be sharable.
#4520 Enhancement: Automatically set the selected suite as parent when redirecting to add test case page from suites manage page
#4519 Enhancement: Auto complete on suites combo on add test case
#4476 Enhancement: Sorted tree structure for suites selection for various pages
#4475 Enhancement: Sorted tree structure for suites on Export page
#4462 Enhancement: When a limited rights user is to be shown “No Access” message, can we redirect him to last used (referer) page in place of the dashboard or project’s overview page ?
#4444 Enhancement: Better responsive select box for large list
#3635 Enhancement: Title of newly copied test case should be unqiue
#3927 Feature: Automatic redirection to the requested page after user has logged in