Introducing Test Collab Docker image for self-hosted users
We’ve just launched our Docker image to help users who like to self-host Test Collab. It speeds up whole setup process to another scale, so we’ve been looking forward to this from sometime now.
Quality Assurance
9 things I wish I knew about CI/CD pipelines during first year of my start-up
We’ve been installing some upgrades to our release pipeline here at Test Collab. Such upgrades give you a good opportunity to find your past mistakes and eliminate them altogether. While doing so, I thought it’ll be good to share what I learned about continuous integration during lifetime of Test Collab and before.
Quality Assurance
The biggest lie by test automation tools vendors: Record & forget
While working with some of my clients, I realized how easy it is to push a test automation tool in organization.
New tool for Load Testing: Load Xen
We’re proud to announce launch of our load testing tool, Load Xen.
Quality Assurance
Using Docker to manage and replicate test environments
About 5 years back I started this business, Test Collab, ever since then I was fortunate enough to work with so many developers, managers and testers.
Quality Assurance
5 impactful questions a test management tool will answer in your team
Imagine you’ve joined a new organization as a QA manager and you see a great product. The product you think which can be next big thing.